Weeds                      Download the Leaflet leaflet


Tel: 01257 450510


“We take your invading weed problem and turn it into an environmentally friendly solution”.   

Herbicide treatment

By far the most commonly used method of control. It is efficient and in many cases, if the correct methods are followed, it will completely eradicate the plant from site.

Foliar Application (Spraying)

Foliar Applications are those applications made with spray equipment designed to apply small droplets over the entire plant (stems and leaves). These are made with backpack applicators or hose-end sprayers.

Stem Injection

Herbicide Injection is directly injected into the canes of the Japanese Knotweed (Death by lethal injection). The injection process is most effective against plant re-growth, as well as a selective form of treatment and poses limited threats to neighbouring vegetation.

All our spraying solutions conform to the requirements of all current legislation, including the Control of Pesticides Regulations. All staff are qualified N.P.T.C operatives.

Consultation includes:

   * Site Surveys

   * Method Statements

   * Risk Assessment

   * COSHH Assessments

   * COSSH Environmental Assessments

   * GPS Site location

Products used will be MAPP & EA approved. Spraying solutions time scales are from 24 to 36 months. Current recommendations are to monitor the site for 36 months.


There are two excavation solutions:

Re-location of infected material to an area that is not required for development and then an ongoing spraying program to eradicate the weed, this program of control must include consultation with the Environmental Agency. On site management of the infected material reduces the cost significantly.

Removal of the contaminated waste to a Licensed Landfill site. This should again be done after consultation with the Environmental Agency and in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Duty of Care Regulations 1991. Removal of waste to a Licensed Landfill site is extremely expensive.

Types of Treatment